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Computer Information Systems (CIS) serves as the bridge that links business with technology. Students in this area develop the technical and people skills enabling them to excel in information systems roles in industry and government.

Areas and Offerings

The opportunity to serve on the technology front line is within your reach. AACC’s Applied Sciences degree and certificate options in Computer Information Systems prepare you for launching into one of the most in-demand tech roles. Learn more about our areas of study:

Faculty and Staff

Academic Chair

Associate Professor Cedric Harris, Program Chair for Help Desk Certificate
CALT 260

Professor Susanne Markowski, Program Chair for Computer Information Systems
CALT 240

Assistant Dean Angelo Thalassinidis, Ph.D. (Interim Academic Chair)
CALT 242

Full-time Faculty

Associate Professor Cedric Harris
CALT 260

Assistant Professor Brittany Lamma
CALT 252

Associate Professor Kimberly Law
CALT 268

Professor Susanne Markowski
CALT 240                 

Professor Harold Waterman
CALT 336

Assistant Professor Steven White
CALT 258

Resources for Students

Open Lab

Assistance is available for current technology students in the Open Lab located in CALT 204. Please review the schedule posted in the doorway to see the current hours of operation.

Computer Science Club

In this club students have the opportunity to computer science knowledge and skills, while having fun and experimenting with current and emerging technologies. Technical demonstrations, hands-on experiences and guest speaker events are a few of the activities that this club will offer. Raspberry Pi and Arduino units are just a couple of examples of the technology that our club is currently exploring.

This club is supported by the Computer Science Department faculty. The club's faculty adviser is Wendy Chasser, and you can contact her for more information.

Cyber Defense Club

This club meets to discuss topics in cybersecurity and practice their skills. All students are welcome! Club members also compete in regional and national cyber challenges. This club is supported by Cybersecurity, Networking, and Digital Forensics Department faculty.


Consider expanding your learning beyond the classroom by becoming an intern. Whether you are looking to apply learning to a career or transfer to a four-year program, internships provide valuable experience and industry contacts. For more information about internships, contact Angelo Thalassinidis, Ph.D, assistant dean at

Job Search Assistance

Current technology students can seek job search assistance, including resume writing and interview preparation by contacting Angelo Thalassinidis, Ph.D, assistant dean at


We’re here to help.

Computer Information Systems

Technology Office


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Angelo Thalassinidis, Ph.D.
Assistant Dean

Award from Best Colleges for IT program.